Mission Statement
The Fair Oaks Village Enhancement Committee (FOVEC) works together with property owners, business owners, the County of Sacramento, and other stakeholders to develop and implement a plan of improvements that enable the Fair Oaks Village to increase its viability as a thriving business district.
Officially Recognized as a 501c3
On July 14, 2014 FOVEC received official confirmation of approval for our 501c3 Non profit designation by the IRS.
Economic Opportunity Study – Active Project
The Fair Oaks Village Enhancement Committee (FOVEC) is currently developing funding for a study on economic development opportunities in the Village. The plan will cost approximately $11,500 and will help us in selecting and recruit new businesses to retain the character and charm while improving the vitality of our village and help current and future businesses where they need such a study for business loans. We are about half way to goal. Click for more information
Fair Oaks Community Gateway Arch – Active Project
This project is currently under design development including fundraising for initial phases with a projected completion in the summer of 2015. Click for more information
Recognized by County Board of Supervisors
April 2014
Sacramento County Board of Supervisors recognizes FOVEC for the volunteer work leading to improvements in the quality of life in the Fair Oaks Village. Click for the Story.
2012 Fair Oaks Village Street scape – Completed Project
Beginning following Chicken Festival in September 2012, Sacramento County DOT will implement the street scape enhancement project in the center of Fair Oaks Village.
Fair Oaks Vision
This document is where it started.
Click for more information on our vision.
Contact Us
Best email: FOVEC2011@gmail.com